20 maja 2016 r. prof. Karen Emmorey, wybitna badaczka języków migowych z USA, wygłosi w Warszawie wykład zatytułowany „The neurobiology of language: Perspectives from sign language” (inne wystąpienie badaczki do obejrzenia tutaj).

Odbędzie się on w Instytucie Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego PAN(ul. Pasteura 3) w sali nr 1 o godzinie 12.00.

Oto abstrakt wystąpienia:

The study of sign languages provides a powerful tool for investigating the neurobiology of human language. Signed languages differ dramatically from spoken languages with respect to linguistic articulators and perceptual systems required for comprehension. Are the same key brain areas involved in producing and comprehending spoken and signed languages? Does the brain distinguish between gesture and sign? Does the biology of linguistic expression affect the brain bases of spatial language? The “yes” answers to these questions show that the human brain is designed for linguistic functions, regardless of the sensory-motor properties of language.

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