The creator and head of the Section for Sign Linguistics. Linguist, Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Polish Studies, Department of General Linguistics, Comparative East Asian Linguistics and Baltic Studies. Specialist in the field of syntax of natural languages, carrying out research on Polish Sign Language (PJM). The author of more than one hundred academic publications and textbooks, including several dozen papers published internationally. An alumnus of the University of Warsaw and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Beneficiary of numerous prizes, grants, and scholarships awarded by, among others, the Foundation for Polish Science, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Science Centre, Poland, Polish – U.S. Fulbright Commission, Kosciuszko Foundation, DAAD, Polish weekly magazine „Polityka„, Stefan Batory Foundation, Polish Children’s Fund and Collegium Invisibile. Made research visits to the USA (Yale University, Wayne State University) and to leading European universities (Oxford, Madrid, Postdam). Member of the Polish Council for Sign Language at the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. Hearing. Enthusiast of the language and culture of the Deaf.
