From 25th -29th August, 2014 summer school and a conference Current Issues in Sign Language Linguistics – Current Issues in Sign Language Linguistics – CISL 2014 in which our Section members participated took place at Charles University in Prague.

During the meeting three speeches have been delivered concerning PJM: „The Role of Lexical Iconicity in the Interpretation of PJM Signs (poster)” by Joanna Filipczak, Piotr Mostowski, Sylwia Łozińska and Paweł Rutkowski, „Space and Movement as Elements of Narrative Strategies in Polish Sign Language (PJM): A Corpus-based Study” (poster) by Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz, Anna Kuder, and Małgorzata Czajkowskiej-Kisil as well as „The Polish Sign Language (PJM) Corpus Project: Current Status and Future Plans” by Paweł Rutkowski, Joanna Filipczak, Piotr Mostowski, Joanna Łacheta, Sylwia Łozińska, and Magda Schromova.